Answering Frequently Asked Questions
You can get acquainted with your tutors in the "Catalog" tab. Use the filter to select a teacher based on your personal preferences. You can specify the subject you want to start studying, a native speaker of a certain language, as well as adjust the price range, experience, and age of the teacher. After reviewing and choosing a suitable tutor, register on our platform to write a message or book a trial lesson.
Sure. According to our policy, the Student (that is, you) is entitled to one free trial lesson in each of the subjects in order to get to know the teacher, as well as to see how online lessons are held on our platform.
Have you found a suitable teacher and are you ready to start training? You already know that you have one free trial lesson in each subject. Below are 2 simple steps on how to get this trial lesson: 1. Book and confirm. In order to make a reservation, go to the teacher's profile and click "Get a trial lesson" under the video greeting. 2. Determine the date and time of the lesson. You will see the available time of classes with the teacher and will be able to choose a convenient one for you.
If you want to continue studying with a certain teacher, you need to go through 3 more steps: 1. Determine the date and time of the lesson. By clicking on the profile of the selected teacher, you will see the available class time and will be able to choose a time convenient for you. 2. Book and confirm. After selecting the upcoming lesson, confirm the reservation by clicking on the "Book" button under the video greeting of the teacher. 3. Pay. After confirming your reservation, select your tariff plan (lesson package) and proceed to the payment process in a payment provider convenient for you.
There are 2 categories of classes on your platform: One-time and Weekly. - One-time classes are mostly booked and paid for one at a time. If you bought a tariff for several classes, but chose a single lesson, then the money will remain on the balance and will be debited only for those lessons that you chose and booked only for 1 time. If desired, you can book new classes through the "Catalog" or transfer money to another teacher's account by going to the "Balance" tab and clicking the three dots at the desired tariff. However, remember that by choosing One-time classes, any other student can easily book your chosen time and day in other weeks. To ensure that your chosen time and days of classes are always available to you, as long as you have money on your balance, book a Weekly schedule.
There are 2 categories of classes on your platform: One-time and Weekly. - Weekly schedule - regularly. To buy weekly classes, you need to choose the date of the first lesson, as well as the time and day convenient for you. The schedule is formed automatically, but you have the right to cancel it at any time. To do this, go to the "Balance" tab and cancel the tariff by clicking on the three dots and "Request funds". If you are interested in working with another teacher, select "Transfer money to another teacher's account".
Yes, there is such a possibility. To do this, go to the "Schedule" tab => "Lesson Calendar", select the desired lesson and cancel it, or request a transfer indicating alternative time options. It is worth noting that you can cancel/reschedule a lesson ONLY 4 hours before it starts. There is such an opportunity 2 times a month, so in case of unforeseen circumstances, it is better contacting the teacher in advance and canceling the lesson. If you cancel a lesson less than 4 hours before its start, the teacher has the right to request payment for this lesson.
Once you have selected a teacher in the "Catalog", as well as the time and days of classes, you need to proceed to the payment process, buy the selected package of lessons and choose a payment provider convenient for you. If you already have an active package, you can extend the learning with a certain teacher by purchasing the tariff immediately in the "Balance" tab. To do this, we cash in on "Top up the balance" and select the dates of the next classes.
After registration, you can click "Write" in the catalog with the selected teacher to contact and ask questions at the first stage. There is a "Chats" tab on your platform, so that it is convenient for students to keep in touch with teachers throughout their studies and exchange files if necessary.
You have the opportunity to purchase a tariff (a package with lessons) through the "Active packages" in "Balance" tab. Click on "Top up the balance", select the schedule and buy the tariff that suits you. Also, you can always return to the catalog to select a teacher you are interested in, so that you can continue to study with him.
Your classes will be held online on our video conferencing platform. Two-way communication in online mode, chat, as well as screen sharing are attached.
If you bought a tariff, but changed your mind about studying with this teacher, then you have the opportunity to transfer these money to another teacher's account or request a refund through the "Balance" tab by clicking on the "three dots" at the desired package.
You can teach from anywhere in the world. However, for teachers not from Uzbekistan there are additional requirements for the package of documents and payment of taxes.
The duration of 1 lesson is 50 minutes.
If you did not see a free lesson slot while booking the time, then most likely all the slots are occupied by other students. Choose another teacher, pay for the tariff to take a place (you can do it on a one-time basis or weekly), and start studying with us!
If there is no money left on your balance, you have most likely already learned all purchased lessons. In your personal account in the "Balance" tab you can find the history of debits and top-ups, as well as the other information about tariffs.
If the teacher has not started the lesson himself/herself, no money will be deducted from your balance. Check notifications and contact the teacher to arrange a missed lesson in another time slot. Our support chat is also available to be contacted if you have any questions or issues while connecting.
In your personal account in the tab "Schedule", you can see the lessons for the next 3 days, as well as the button to connect shortly before the start of the lesson itself. In this tab, you can also see the information about past lessons and a calendar so it will be easier to visualize.
The button to connect to the lesson appears in the "Schedule" tab shortly before the lesson starts. If you have successfully logged in to our video conferencing platform, but you can't see the teacher's screen, then the teacher may be experiencing connectivity issues. Contact the teacher via chat on the video platform or contact our 24/7 support team!

Any other questions?
We are always in touch!
Support available from Monday to Saturday 9.00-20.00